
Attendance and Punctuality
Regular school attendance is crucial in raising standards in education and ensuring that every child can have full access to the school curriculum and reach their potential. Therefore, every child is expected to attend school each school day. Attendance is the responsibility of both the parent and the school. Parents will be contacted to enquire about absent pupils.
Persistent absenteeism will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer by our Senior Teacher with Responsibility for Attendance and Lesson Monitor Co-ordinator.
Punctuality to school is essential so that your child starts their school day in a positive way. It teaches them self-discipline and is part of your child’s preparation for working life.
School registration starts at 9.00 am, your child is expected to be in the school building by 8.55 am. The school doors will lock at 9 am sharp so the only entrance to the school will be through the school front doors. Arriving after 9 am will be deemed as LATE and will be recorded in the register as LATE. Your child must sign into the “Late to Registration Book” at the front office. Persistent late coming will be dealt with accordingly.
Pupils arriving during Period 1 (9.10-10.05 am) must sign in at the front office in the “Late to School Book” and bring a note to their Form Teacher. This will be looked into by the Attendance and Lesson Monitor Co-ordinator.
Parents will be contacted by text if their child is marked absent on the school register and if their child is persistently LATE.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS - are responsible for ensuring that their child arrives to school on time.
STUDENTS - are responsible for being in registration on time and ensuring they are marked in on the register.
FORM TEACHERS - are responsible for having the register called and saved by 9.10 am.
ATTENDANCE AND LESSON MONITOR CO-ORDINATOR– is responsible for monitoring and recording attendance and contacting the relevant persons.
Attendance Letters
It is expected that your child’s attendance shall remain above the expected 95%. Attendance letters may be sent out throughout the school year to make you aware of your child’s % of attendance and to warn you when attendance levels have dropped. If your child’s attendance reaches less than 85% they will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.
To achieve their full potential pupils need to be in school every day.
If your child is absent they must have an ABSENCE NOTE filled in and signed on their return to school. If they do not have a signed ABSENCE NOTE they will be recorded as UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE.
Parents are responsible for their child remaining at school for the FULL DAY and are requested to make medical and dental appointments outside of school hours. If your child is absent due to continued illness you must provide a medical letter and appointment cards. The EWO may request an appointment with the Community Paediatrician if evidence from a medical professional is not provided.
Pupils can only be released from school during the school day for URGENT APPOINTMENTS and must only be collected by a parent/guardian.
Pupils requesting to leave school during the day must have the form in the Student Planner filled in and signed by a parent. This must be presented to the Form Teacher at registration and then to the Head of Year 8 or the Head of Key Stage 3 or 4 to be signed. Your child cannot leave the school premises unless this is done. Pupils must remain in class until they are sent for by Reception.
Family Holidays
The school will not approve of holidays taken during the school year. Any holidays taken within the school term will be recorded as UNAUTHORISED and this information will be passed on to the EWO. Every day missed by your child has a detrimental effect on their learning.