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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry

Learning for Life & Work

Learning for Life and Work (LLW) is central in helping young people develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, qualities and dispositions that are pre-requisites for life and work. This area of learning contains the contributory strands of:EmployabilityHome EconomicsLocal and Global Citizenship and Personal Development.

Key Stage 3

Personal Development

InSync Programme with scheme of work incorporating 10 themes in each of years 8 to 10- Themes include Feelings and emotions, Self Concept and Managing change.


Four themes are studied at KS3.

1. Diversity and Inclusion

2. Equality and Social Justice

3. Democracy and Active Participation

4. Human Rights and Social Responsibility


Pupils throughout the school study LLW to GCSE. This involves completing three modular exams in the contributory strands as stated above. Each module is worth 13.3% which means 40% of the course is completed in Year 11. In Year 12 the remaining 60% of the course os completed through Controlled Assessment Tasks set by the examination board CCEA.

We also cover the non statutory strands of Learning for Life and Work at KS4.

Learning for Life and Work is recognised by the school as an ongoing concern with many aspects of the non curricular environment seen as part of the whole learning process. To this extent Learning for Life and Work also involves activities whereby the SELB Youth department delivers projects to pupils throughout the year. We also have organised days with outside agencies coming in to take activities in 'Love for Life', Bullying workshops, Cultural activities etc.